December 29, 2024
Comportment and Decorum Standards
-Strive to be the best training partner possible. Above all else, be respectful. Be cooperative, friendly, open to coaching, positive, engaged and well groomed (generally clean, nails clipped, no open cuts/sores and etc.)
-Dress the Part: Wear class appropriate gear. Avoid pockets, zippers and baggy clothing. You must wear a shirt. We do sell branded gear that exceeds any standards here-in but we do not require that you wear it.
Take pride in your equipment. It is your armor.
Among other things, proper attire tends to indicate that you have fully bought into your training and those who do so enjoy training more and get the fix most benefits.
-Remember: You are here to learn and we are here to teach. Comport yourself accordingly. We provide the Coaches so please, be supportive and even eager to help but don’t coach.
Invest in learning. Ask questions and keep a growth mindset. Be an asset to those around you.
Be consistent. Come on time and be equipped to train. Do not leave until the class is over unless it is approved by the Coach. When you do leave, clean your area and take your things.
-Make en effort to avoid complaining. It is contagious. Make adjustments in your behavior before you project outwardly. Find common ground. It is a process that both takes practice and epitomizes Stewardahip.
-Support our culture. All things are downstream from the culture that we drive both individually and collectively. Be aware of that fact and assure that your behavior reflects our values.
Thank you so much.
Jeff Jimmo
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